• To serve as the South African National Committee of ICID, and to further the aims and objectives of ICID in South Africa.
  • To act as the liaison body for ICID activities in South Africa.
  • To be a body in South Africa concerned with irrigation, drainage and flood control, and to stimulate interest and advance knowledge of developments in these fields.
  • To act as the co-ordinating centre for individuals, organisations, institutions, other National Committees of ICID and other international organisations sharing common interests in the field of irrigation, drainage and flood control.
  • To liaise with local organisations regarding matters related to irrigation, drainage and flood control.
  • To promote South African and African participation in the activities of ICID, including participation in the activities of other bodies established or to be established by ICID.
  • To actively contribute to the stimulation and promotion of research and the development of technology in the fields of irrigation, drainage and flood control in South Africa.
  • To initiate and organise specialised and regional ICID conferences on subject matter related to irrigation, drainage and flood control, either independently or in association with other organisations.
  • To encourage the submission of papers for presentation at the ICID congresses, conferences, symposia and workshops.
  • To keep members informed on international activities in the fields of irrigation, drainage and flood control.
  • To exchange technical information with ICID and its member countries on irrigation, drainage and flood control.


At the first meeting of SANCID following each triennial international congress of ICID, SANCID shall elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary and Treasurer from its members.

No person shall serve as Chairman of SANCID for more than six consecutive years.

No person shall serve as Vice-Chairman for more than six consecutive years.

Should any matter require to be voted upon, a simple majority shall suffice to approve the motion. In the event that equal numbers vote for and against the motion, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.

Notice of proposed amendments to this constitution shall be given six weeks prior to the meeting at which the amendment/s are to be discussed. After such meeting of SANCID, the proposed changes shall be mailed to all the members of SANCID in the form agreed upon at the meeting, to allow a postal vote on the proposed amendment/so Two thirds- of the members voting shall be in favour of the amendment/s for it to come into force.

Meetings of SANCID shall be called at the discretion of the Chairman or on the written requests of at least three members of SANCID, but there shall be at least two meetings per calender year, one of which shall be the Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting shall be held before the end of April each year.

The Annual General Meeting shall receive and review reports by the Chairman and the Secretary, and shall consider resolutions pertaining to any changes in programmes, policy and organisation of SANCID.

A quorum at all meetings of SANCID shall comprise at least half the membership of SANCID.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Contact Person

Working Group

Email Address

Dr AJ Sanewe

African Regional Working Group (AFRWG)
Working Group on Water and Crops (WE-CROP)


Prof MF Viljoen

ICID Journal Editorial Board (EB-JOUR)
Working Group on Comprehensive Approaches to Flood Management (WG-CAFM)


Dr Y Beletse

Working Group on Young Irrigation Professionals Forum (WG-YPF)


Prof LD van Rensburg

Work Team on Use of Poor Quality Water for Irrigation (WT-PQW)


Mr FB Reinders

Working Group on On-Farm Irrigation Systems (WG-ON-FARM)
Task Force to Guide ICID inputs to World Water Forum (TF-WWF6)
Permanent Committee for Technical Activities (PCTA)


Dr GR Backeberg

Task Force on Financing Water for Agriculture (TF-FIN)


Prof JG Annandale

Working Group on Technology and Research Uptake and Exchange (WG-TRUE)


Dr NL Lecler

Working Group on Water Saving for Agriculture (WG-WATSAVE)


Mr AT van Coller

Working Group on Drainage (WG-DRG)


Prof S Walker

Working Group on Drainage (WG-DRG)


Dr M van der Laan

Working Group on Environment(WG-ENV)


Mr AS Roux

Working Group on Modernisation of Irrigation Services (WG-MIS)


Ms MJ Gabriel

Working Group on the Role of Irrigation in Poverty Alleviation and Livelihood (WG-POVERTY)



The South African National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (SANCID) represents South Africa at the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID).


Quick Links

Contact Us

Ms Puleng Mofokeng
  • Phone:
    +27 12 846 8564
  • Fax:
    +27 12 846 8564
  • Email:
    E-Mail Us
  • Address:
    141 Cresswell Road, Silverton, 0127.
    P/Bag X515, Silverton, 0127.